SUPERAntiSpyware 4.30.1004 Final adalah program yang benar-benar gratis yang dapat mendeteksi dan menghilangkan ribuan Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, keyloggers, Dialers, Hi-Jackers, dan Worm. Sebuah program keamanan yang tidak hanya cara kerja yang paling mudah, tapi dengan semua organisme yang disusupi pada sistem anda. Ada juga pilihan untuk memperbaiki kerusakan dalam catatan.
SUPERAntiSpyware 4.30.1004 Final mendeteksi dan menghapus semua jenis spyware, trojan dan adware bahkan dialer dan cookie yang dicuriga. Scan memori, registry dan drive pilihan anda untuk perangkat lunak berbahaya.
Tes SuperAntiSpyware cepat dan dapat diandalkan. Item yang Anda ingin memeriksa dalam tahap kedua disimpan dalam karantina, sementara yang lain akan dihapus tanpa penundaan.
- Quick, Complete and Custom Scanning of Hard Drives, Removable Drives, Memory, Registry, Individual Folders and More! Includes Trusting Items and Excluding Folders for complete customization of scanning!
- Detect and Remove Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, Dialers, Worms, KeyLoggers, HiJackers and many other types of threats.
- Light on System Resources and won't slow down your computer like many other anti-spyware products. Won't conflict with your existing anti-spyware or anti-virus solution!
- Repair broken Internet Connections, Desktops, Registry Editing and more with our unique Repair System!
- Real-Time Blocking of threats! Prevent potentially harmful software from installing or re-installing!
- Multi-Dimensional Scanning detects existing threats as well as threats of the future by analyzing threat characteristics in addition to code patterns.
- First Chance Prevention examines over 50 critical points of your system each time your system starts up and shuts down to eliminate threats before they have a chance to infect and infiltrate your system.
- Process Interrogation Technology allows threats to be detected no matter where they are hiding on your system.
- Schedule either Quick, Complete or Custom Scans Daily or Weekly to ensure your computer is free from harmful software.
- Dedicated Threat Research Team scours the web for new threats and provides daily definition updates

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