Include :
[Microsoft Office 2010 tools]
Digital Certificate for VBA Projects
Micorsoft Clip Organizer
Microsoft Office 2010 Language pack
Microsoft office 2010 Upload Center
Microsoft Office Picture Manager
Microsoft Access 2010
Microsoft Excel 2010
Microsoft Infopath Designer 2010
Microsoft Inforpath Filler 2010
Microsoft Infopath Filler 2010
Microsoft OneNote 2010
Microsoft Outlook 2010
Microsoft PowePoint 2010
Microsoft Publisher 2010
Microsoft Sharepoint Workspace 2010
Microsoft Word 2010
Close all office programs if any open
1. Right Click on keygen and RUN AS Administrator (do not close the cmd window)
2. Now Right click on "Office 2010 Hack by Tuvi" and RUN AS Administrator (do not forgot, Keygen should be running)
3. it takes few sections and ask u to hit "ENTER" to exit. then do exit
now open any Office Document >> FILE >> HELP >> now at right side it should show that ur product is activated
If its still not activated, OPEN ADVANCED ACTIVATION folder and follow the instruction in READ ME.

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