Dengan menggunakan McAfee VirusScan Enterprise, berarti anda mempertahankan dekstop anda dari serangan virus. Kali ini dengan penggabungan dari pencegahan penyusupan dan teknolgi firewall dalam solusi tunggal untuk PC dan File Server. Kombinasi yang kuat ini benar-benar proaktif dalam memberikan perlindungan dari ancaman terbaru saat ini termasuk Buffer-Overflow eksploitasi.
Dapatkan perlindungan maksimal dari Mcafee :
- Dapatkan perlindungan maksimal untuk PC dan dan server dengan gabungan AntiVirus, Firewall, dan pencegahan dari teknologi intrusion
- Memblokir berbagai jenis ancaman
- Defent sistem anda terhadap virus, FireWall, Buffer-Overflow dan serangan lainnya
- Meminimalkan kerusakan
- Menghentikan ancaman yang mengarah ke memory
- Mencegah Rootkit
- Menghentikan Rootkit yang menempel pada instalasi
- Single Console
- Perlindungan dari Hacker
- Tidak perlu khawatir karena Malware dan Hacker tidak bisa menembusnya
- Cover all the bases
- Block a broad range of viruses and malicious code—even those hidden in
compressed files; find new, unknown viruses with advanced heuristics and generic detection
- Defend against threats that target Microsoft
- Protect against exploits targeted at Microsoft applications and services—especially
for Microsoft Windows OS services, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Internet Explorer,
Microsoft Outlook, and SQL server
- Curb outbreak damage
- Limit outbreak damage, even before DAT files are issued; close ports, monitor
applications and email engines, block files and directories, and trace and block
infection sources
- Scans memory for malicious code
- Detect threats that write to memory rather than disk, such as CodeRed and SQLSlammer
- Protect email programs
- Detect and scour viruses in Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes—including HTML text
and attachments
- Keep script-type threats at bay
- Prevent threats that exploit JavaScript or Visual Basic from executing
- Optimize updating for remote systems
- Tailor field updates to physical locations and connection speeds: resume updating
after a broken connection is re-established
- Lock down files
- Keep VirusScan Enterprise files from being altered with enhanced access protection rules
- Advanced rootkit detection
- Scan system memory for installed rootkits, hidden processes, and other concealed
malicious code
Download : McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.7i Full + Patch2

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